Wednesday, October 10, 2012

A Letter From Kenny Geniux

Chief Training Officer, Billionaire Academy

For anyone who truly wants to be financially free and retire rich, this letter is for you! Perhaps, you had tried all kinds of information sold to you in the past and yet none had ever worked for you: or probably you‘ve been bored with useless facts and now you are confused, frustrated and wondering what to do, where to turn next. Well I have a good news for you! This letter you are reading is the answer your life has been waiting for. You don’t have to settle for less when you can achieve more: A lifetime multiple stream of income, with peace of mind, confidence, self- esteem, security,, freedom to do what you want, whenever you want, money to buy whatever you want…… houses, cars, travel to exotic tourist attraction sites, five star hotels, and luxury resorts in the choicest destinations in the world; and surplus to share with people you care most about. Yes, you can have all of these if only you know how, what works and what doesn’t.

My mission is to teach you how to live your dream lifestyle in your lifetime. It’s possible because I have a proven system that can change your whole life forever! However, I have a confession to make. I want to share with you what I learnt in the school of hard knocks that life presented to me some years back. After my graduation from the university, I had no job, no plan, and no money. In fact, I was in a complete mess. I could not boast of eating three meals a day. I was sleeping on my friend’s couch because I couldn’t afford rent. Pretty sad, isn’t it? I began to wonder about what life had got to offer. I felt frustrated, dejected and hopeless.

However, on one faithful Friday when I was returning from a job interview, I came across a lady sharing flyers on the street of Lagos, inviting people to attend a N3,000 seminar on Brand Licensing. I saw a bold headline on the flyer titled “Be Empowered and Be Financially Free!” although, I felt very reluctant to collect it but something struck from the inside to collect it. I collected it and moved on. On getting home, I read the advert and became restless with an inexplicable feeling urging me to attend the seminar. I began to give it a thought. But the more I think about it, the more I get confused. I was confused because I had no money to transport myself to the venue, not to talk of paying for the seminar.

With no one else to share my feelings with except my friend, I decided to ask for a loan of N3,500 and promised to pay back even though I had not paid the N2,000 loan I collected from him the previous week. But thank Goodness! He did not hesitate to give me the money because he just received his salary that same day. The following day which was on Saturday, I left home early to attend the seminar. It was a golden opportunity for me as I was amazed at the kind of revelations emanating from the Guest Speaker at the seminar. That seminar turned out to be the turning point of my life. On that “Special Saturday” I vowed never to look for job in my life. Never again! I began to apply everything I had learnt at the seminar to build my own business.

In less than two years, I came out of debt and became a self- made millionaire while still in my twenties. It was a turn around! And not just financially either, I’m talking about a complete transformation, mentally, emotionally, and physically!

Now, I’m financially free! I don’t have to work for anyone to earn money. Even though I have not achieved my dream, but I live the lifestyle I have always wanted. I do my thing on my own terms whenever I want. Don’t get me wrong. I’m not telling you this to brag, quite the opposite. Actually, I live a modest lifestyle with no trace of flamboyancy. But I‘m telling you this because I’m absolutely convinced, to the core of my soul, that if an ordinary person like me can do it, then almost anyone else (including you) can do it too.

To help people unlock their God- given potentials and use their potentials to create the lifestyle they ever wanted, I set up a business school which I called “Millionaire Master Class”. The Millionaire Master Class is simply a school that unveils strategic business opportunities and the strategies to succeed in these businesses to build a multi-million dollar business. It is a school that creates entrepreneurs who make the millions in the marketplace. It is not about making the millions but the millions making it. I knew I needed to provide a whole new fresh and exciting education system that developed entrepreneurial skills in young people. An education for life! An education for today’s rapidly changing world. Not the outdated 19th Century education we learnt at school but a modern one that teaches young entrepreneurs how to be financially successful.
Because lets face it, we don’t learn this stuff at school. Nobody teaches us about money. We received no formal education I n the most critical aspect of our life: how to become financially successful. Money is one of the most important subjects to study in your entire life. Your knowledge of money is a key to open your future. When you understand the mechanism of money, how to attract money, how to save money, how to invest money and how to keep it in excess, then you would have money surplus to share. This is what I teach people at the Millionaire Master Class. I teach my clients how to make the right decision about money. Your decision about money can make or mar you. I was once a victim of making wrong decision about money and I paid dearly for it. But now I have learnt my lesson. I’ve not only made the millions, but lost millions and made back the millions again. I had built a multi-million dollar business, an enterprise that engaged more than 3,000 distributors. I know from the school of money what works and what doesn’t. This is what I share with my clients at the Millionaire Master Class. I give them real practical training based on my personal experiences. Moreover, my powerful systems are proven winners which have produced successful entrepreneurs that are proud millionaires today.

At the Millionaire Master Class, I do teach my clients what I call “the Millionaire Money Capsule” which is a compendium of formulas used by millionaires to make money and keep it in excess. There are 3 Money Capsules

1. Making Money 2. Managing Money  3. Investing Money

Every successful entrepreneur must develop the three financial skills of making money, managing money and investing money in order to have money in excess.

Making Money
An entrepreneur must know how to make money using his ideas, talents or skills. Money cannot be made unless there is a magnet that attracts money. Money is attracted to an idea, talent, or opportunity well conceived, organized and executed into a strategic plan of action. In other words, you need to engage in a business venture that has a strategic plan of action to attract money. You need the wealth formula.
Opportunity + System +Strategy + Synergy = Wealth
It is important to note that not all opportunities can create wealth. If you want to create wealth, you need to engage in an opportunity that has a system coupled with a winning strategy executed by a synergy of people (teamwork) to make it happen. This formula makes the difference between Tantalizer and “Mama put” selling food at Yaba. They are both in the food business but one has a system and the other does not. That’s why Tantalizer is a multi-billion dollar food business and “Mama put” at Yaba struggles to make the millions. Once you have the wealth formula, you have opened the tap that supplies a multiple stream of money into your life.

Managing Money
It is not enough to know how to make money. You must also learn the financial skill of managing and investing money which is the foundation of wealth accumulation. If you lack these skills, no matter how much money you make, it will fly away like an angry bird. You need financial intelligence to manage money and keep it in excess. First, you must value money in order to control it. And if you can control money, you must know how to save it. Then if you can save money, you must know how to invest it to multiply in excess. If you can multiply money, then you must know how to shield it. Once you have money to shield, then you will have more money to share.
In managing money, you need the “Cash flow Formula.” The Cash flow Formula says “For every income you make, you are only permitted to spend a maximum of 70% to meet your personal and family needs; keep 10% for God and keep the remaining 20% for investment. The 20% you set aside for investment must be divided into 4 and share as follows:
Assume the 20% of your income = an X amount.
25% of X must be allocated to each of the following four:
    Cash in Fixed Deposits kept in the Bank in case of emergency. That’s your personal insurance policy.
    Fixed Assets such as real estates to earn a passive income
    Paper Asset such as shares, bonds etc to earn portfolio income
    Other Businesses to create wealth

Investing Money
You need the rich investment formula in order to multiply money.
Investment + Involvement = Enrichment
However, most people invest this way and get poorer.
Investment – Involvement = Embezzlement
A lot of people ignorantly invest using the poor investment formula and get their finger burnt. They invest without their involvement (knowledge). They invest without knowledge of what they are investing their money into. Hence they got their money embezzled. The implication is this, each time you lose money, someone gains it. There is no vacuum in the investment world. The embezzlement of your money is someone’s enrichment. All those who lost millions of naira to the capital market after it crashed in 2009 made some people in the same market to become super rich.
Ignorance is the major cause of poverty in Africa. Our people are hard working yet they are the poorest in the world. They go through financial struggle because they are financially illiterate. The only panacea for the ravaging poverty in Africa is Financial Education. Financial education is the solution. That’s why I created the Millionaire Master Class.

What you’ll learn at Millionaire Master Class

  •     How to make the millions in the marketplace
  •     Connect opportunities and the strategies for success
  •     How to start up a business without your money
  •     How to source for capital to finance your dream project
  •     How to create customers in the marketplace
  •     How to make customers keep coming
  •     How to develop a workable plan for Growth and Expansion
  •     How to invest money to become financially free.


Join us at Millionaire Master Class every Tuesday at HAZONWAO HALL, 91, Obafemi Awolowo Way, Balogun Bus stop, Ikeja at 10 am prompt. Enroll today with N5,000 ONLY. For seat reservation, call Kenny Geniux on 08152999397

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